by Anthony
For a long time,
I took the Libertarian party line at face value. Though they seemed to have
respectable views on social issues, they also seemed to be true believers in
the myth of the free market. I couldn’t figure out why it never dawned on them
that when the investment class—mainly banks and insurance companies—runs the
economy into the ground, the government must resuscitate it with public
funds, lest the country finally keel over for good. I was convinced that Libertarians
just don’t realize that if they eliminated the stabilizing role of the state in this
dynamic, the whole Ponzi scheme of the American economy would devour itself in
no time.
Chalk up my
misunderstanding to some vestigial Lefty haughtiness; they know full well what
they’re doing. The Libertarian program is a classic bait-and-switch.
Whatever its
roots, the modern Libertarian party is in practice an attempt by a right-wing
that has lost the “culture wars” to re-brand itself as a group of laid-back,
gay-friendly ganja hounds in order to drain the youth vote from Democrats and to
convert those who profess to be “thoroughly disgusted” with party
politics—conservative-minded people too hip for the GOP’s morbid Calvinist
positions on social issues. After poaching enough of these people by leaning
left socially, they can push even harder right on economics, dismantling
what few barriers remain preventing Wall Street from gobbling up absolutely
And that’s it. Like
any group of elites, all they really want is more for themselves and less for
everybody else. The song-and-dance about liberty and freedom only provides
ideological cover for a ramped-up program of legalized theft. They will get
right to work on the agenda that the far right has been pushing for years:
dismantling Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare, keeping that cash for themselves, and then slapping a price tag
on every aspect of social life. Those galvanizing moral and social issues will
be left to the states, where they can be quietly ignored.
But this kind of
scam—hawking “freedom” to convince people to willingly
participate in their own exploitation—is hardly new. It is, in fact,
quintessentially American. Just take a close look at those heroes always evoked
by Libertarians, the Founding Fathers.
And make no mistake, those stodgy old WASPs do indeed represent perfectly the Libertarian philosophy, the real one.
And make no mistake, those stodgy old WASPs do indeed represent perfectly the Libertarian philosophy, the real one.
The Founders
were for the most part an elite class of businessmen born or married into the
colonial aristocracy, who expanded their fortunes and thus their political
power by the sweat of their slaves’ brows. In a scheme to get out of paying their
taxes to the Crown, they convinced the landless peasants to fight their war for
them by feeding them a line of shit about the struggle for liberty against
tyranny, co-opting the revolutionary propaganda of proto-socialist radical
Thomas Paine. They then created on the one hand an American ideology in which
people were convinced it was their duty as citizens to participate in civic
life, and on the other, a political system into which they placed as many
barriers as possible to truly democratic governance, thereby consolidating and
protecting their class power.
It's ingenious in its own way. And like saps, we fell for it. Hard.
It's ingenious in its own way. And like saps, we fell for it. Hard.
Thus the fantasy
of Libertarianism is part and parcel of the American fantasy. Over 200 years
later, most of us are still true believers in an American Dream that was never
meant to be taken literally, but forever chased like a rabbit at the economic
dog track. We were never intended to have equal opportunity this Grand Republic; it has
always been by and for the owners. The inspiring moments in American history
have been those attempts to force this country make good on its false promises,
and the price for those meager concessions has always been paid in blood.
The Libertarian project is but another attempt to roll back those hard-won privileges, preparing us for a more complete takeover.
The Libertarian project is but another attempt to roll back those hard-won privileges, preparing us for a more complete takeover.
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